Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Time 4 Learning Update #1

I promised I would come back with an update and pictures so first, lets see a picture of a Place Value lesson called Sticker Fun:

Yes, to be perfectly clear: that IS a playdough cupcake in a plastic creamer. And yes, it was MY pretend birthday. My three year old just had to make a quick pit stop when he saw the footballs.
OKAY, on to the good stuff:
1. It doesn't seem to review concepts very often.
2. The quizzes are really short.
3. My daughter doesn't seem to get that it isn't just a game, despite numerous conversations about it.
4. She clicks rapidly just to get on to the next fun thing, and fails her lessons.
Don't panic though, there IS a bright side! I can see where she got bad scores and have her redo the lesson ;) Today, as a matter of fact, she will be sitting and redoing six math lessons she hurried through yesterday. (Maybe that will teach her to slow down the first time?) I love that the parent can see what lessons they did, how they scored, and make a new lesson plan. It's very convenient. I can honestly see how this could be a solid curriculum or even a filler. It would be very handy for someone in my shoes, with the MS, to be able to have a fall-back plan on "bad" days. Be sure to check it out if you haven't yet!
As a member of Time4Learning, I have been given the opportunity to review their program and share my experiences. While I was compensated, this review was not written or edited by Time4Learning and my opinion is entirely my own. For more information, check out their standards-based curriculum or learn how to write your own curriculum review.
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Wednesday, March 20, 2013

First Post and Time4Learning!

So much to say in such a little space! I'm excited! I've always kind of blogged... especially about my MS or random rants, but I'm finally going to talk about my favorite subject: EDUCATION! Woot!

I have a lot to talk about but first I want to share that we are trying out Time4Learning, and loving it! My daughter has been enjoying herself for 47 minutes now and I'm seeing just how easy this program would be to implement into our daily schooling. Be sure to check out the information below to see how YOU can try it out for a month!

http://www.time4learning.com/ is a monthly cost of $19.95 and $14.95 per additional child. I am trying out the Prek-3rd option for my Pre-K son and my K/1st daughter! I can't wait to update you on the program in a day or two, pictures and all!

*I've been invited to try Time4Learning for one month in exchange for a candid review. My opinion will be entirely my own, so be sure to come back and read about my experience. Time4Learning can be used as a homeschool curriculum, for afterschool enrichment and for summer skill sharpening. Find out how to write your own curriculum review for Time4Learning.*

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