Thursday, April 4, 2013

UGH. I'm frustrated today. My 2nd grader is really struggling in math, and not really grasping concepts before they move on. They use enVisionMATH Texas here, so I decided to purchase a few of the 1st grade and 2nd grade workbooks for her to do a "review", and also supplement with some materials from Teachers Pay Teachers. (addicted to that website, I need rehab, I swear!) I will be completely honest here, I do not love this curriculum. They used to use Saxon, but of course the goal of math in Texas right now is preparing for the tests. My 8 year old has mini panic attacks while doing her math because she's ALREADY worried about her test next year! I'm SuperMom and I happen to think a pretty darn good teacher, so I'm trying to calm her down. So far, I'm failing there. I'm starting to worry that she's going to identify her academic ability with the results of a test she hasn't had yet, and the amount of anxiety that seems to accompany her doing math convinces me there's a chance she struggles. What then? All I can do is try to review and help her prepare for math in the real world, not just math as it applies to the test. I can't even begin to explain the level at which she panics when she has to do math. It breaks my heart. Ugh. I'm not a fan of testing. Our children aren't sardines!

And speaking of enVisionMATH, if you haven't heard of yet, be sure to check out the deals they're offering this week! One deal is a curriculum package at a GREATLY reduced rate, which includes the homeschool version of enVisionMATH! What is It's one of those daily deals sites, geared toward teachers and homeschoolers. Yup. It's that awesome. GO GO GO!

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